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Wanted--Red or Alive!

Pervo the Clown

Bats:  Switchhitter
Throws:  Like a girl
Position:  Catcher/Utility Infielder

Player Bio

Pervo the Clown fulfilled a life-long dream by making it to the bigs, albeit briefly, and playing for his beloved hometown San Francisco Giants. Strangely enough, he never played baseball in high school. He first experience with baseball was as a towelboy in the locker room for the Rookie League Key West Swishers. After convincing the Swishers' manager of his skills, he got a tryout. Later on, he gave a demonstration of his baseball ability. It was impressive enough to earn him a spot on the roster and he worked his way up to the bigs, where tragically, a head-first slide injured his wrist, causing it to stiffen up. He never played ball again.

Pervo's offensive skills were not impressive, but defensively, he won reknown for his ability to hold runners on base, not only as a catcher, but also when playing the infield. Experts attribute this to the nervousness of the runners he played behind. Pervo was also an excellent base-stealer, although he would have done even better had it not been for his big floppy shoes.